Vol. 5 No. 1 and 2 now online
‘Far From Hollywood’ – Alternative World Cinema (Vol. 5, No 1: Spring 2009)
…in this, our 5th anniversay issue, we set out to navigate the murky and uncharted depths of ‘alternative cinema’. But carving out an epistemology of this amorphous cinema is no small endeavour-and what do we mean by ‘alternative cinema’ anyway? On the one hand, it is always evolving, always repositioning itself outside mainstream modes of representation: once the mainstream appropriates elements of alternative style, new configurations naturally spring up in response. At the same time, it has no singular mandate, no fixed ideological underpinnings, and is beholden to no specific national cinema or film movement.
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Steffen Hantke on Hitler as Actor, Jerry White on From Ingushetia to the Finland Station, William Beard’s interview with Guy Maddin, and more, including Holocaust Exploitation, Post-Soviet Freakonomics, and Cinematic Prosthesis
The Scene (Vol. 5, No. 2: Fall 2009)
There are certain scenes which have the power to enthral, provoke, and delight—our cover captures one such titillating tableau. But what gives such a scene the ability to stand apart, to take on a life of its own? What is it about Robert De Niro’s “Are you talking to me?” scene that has such lasting cultural resonance? How does Gene Kelly dancing in the rain embody an entire ethos of escapism?
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Elena del Río on What a Scene Can Do, Brenda Austin-Smith on Alice in the Cities, Murray Pomerance on Hitchcock’s Torn Curtain, and more, including The Snuff Coda, Eastern Promises, and Joy Division and the Televised Performance Scene. Also: The New Scene Canon!